Song of Solomon  

Song of Solomon is a masterpiece wonderfully put togehter to create an ambiance of love, joy and peace for Christian singles or married couples. The ballads are soothing to the soul and the mind and reveal jazzy tempo-like cuts. This CD will surely put that fire in your marriage. I believe the Lord intended for Song of Solomon to minister to me being that I'm believing his Word for a husband.... Simply Beautiful!!! By Monique

This is by far one of my most favorite CD's. When your read the notes in the cover of the CD he tells you you may not be able to get past the first song, and that is so true. If ever there was a song that just touched everything that is love in you, "Song of Solomon" is it. When you listen to the notes, you can close your eyes and feel all that was put into it. This CD was truly compiled with all the love that he has in his marriage, and the love that he has for the God that blessed him with the talent, and annointed his ministry. It will be a CD that you can pull out whenever there are times when you just need a calming to your spirit, or just to sit back and be glad in all your blessings. There is a song for everyone on this CD, no matter your preference, it is there. It is truly, truly, truly, a worthy purchase. You Can Feel The Love In Every Note..By "better-than-blessed" (Atlanta, GA.)

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